Javascript Ten Tips
4 min readNov 2, 2020
01| Includes Methods of String and Array
- Includes method give Boolean value that is true and false.
- When we called the includes method (Ex:Image: 01, Line.No: 4&5) it checks the const sentence(Ex:Image: 01, Line.No: 3) for matching.
- If matches then give true value. or not matches give false value(Ex: Image: 01, Line.No: 4&5).
- A similar thing happened in the array. It gives true and false value and that’s example is an image no 02.
02| String concat
- This method works concatenation one object to another object
- In this image line 4 and 5 is declared variable and line 6 is another variable that concatenation firstName and lastName variable
- The output is line 7
03|substr Methods:
string.substr(start , [length(Optional)])//start is index number
- You started the first character this is number one.
- See the second value length and take the character. (optional)
- If you don't use the second value it takes all character from the first value.
- Image 04 we started index no eight-character and take four-character after eight-character.
- So The output is subs.
04| isNaN Testing:
- Only isNaN(NaN) and isNaN(undefined) return true value.
- isNaN(true) and is NaN(false) return false value.
- In this image, you can see the difference.
- Line No: 76 that returns true value so it returns Number.
- Line No:77 that returns a false value. If you give a string, isNaN is trying to convert string to a number.
- If it converts Number it gives false value
05| Math.abs:
const number1 = 10.3;
const number2 = 4.8;
const substruction = number2 - number1;
//output is 5.50000
Math.abs Methods
- It gives absolute value.
- Never return a negative value.
- If you give a negative value it returns a positive value always.
06 | Math.cail, Math.floor:
const number1 = 10.3;
const number2 = 4.8;
const total = number1 + number2;
//orginal output is 15.1.
//orginal output is 15.1.
Math.ceil Methods
- It returns all time ceil value.
- When you use Math.ceil() the original value is “15.1”. But for using the ceil method the value is “16”.
Math.floor Methods
- It returns all-time floor value.
- When you use Math.ceil() the original value is “15.1”. But for using the ceil method the value is “16”.
07 | Math.sqrt:
function total(x, y) {
return (Math.sqrt(x*y));
const newTotal = total(12,12);
- This method contains a single parameter.
- If the parameter is negative then the value is “NaN”
- The parameter which holds the number whose square root is to be calculated.
- The value is 12.
//value up and down 0 to 1;
- This is a method where the value up to down in 0 to 1 randomly;
08| every Method:
const number1 = [ 11, 12, 32, 41, 53 ];
const number2 = [ -3, -1, -3];
function total(number){
return number <0;
console.log(number1.every(total));// returns false
console.log(number2.every(total)); // returns true
- This method returns a Boolean value.
- If the condition is tracked and matched then returns true. Not matches return a false value.
- every method checks all elements in the array. If one element is unmatched return a false value.
09| Spread Operator:
const number1 = [1,2,3,4];
const number2 = [6,7,8,9];
const totalNumber = [...number1, ...number2]
//output is [1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9]
- This is similar to
method. - But using triple-dot that is coming ECMAScript 6 Model
- It made easier programmer life.
- You can easily concatenation one array to another array or any value.
- It also works in Object.
10| For of Loop and For in Loop:
const arr = ["I", "Love", "Programming"];
for (let element of arr) {
console.log(element); //output is I, Love, Programming;
For of Loop:
- For of Loop using for Array.
- It is the new features in ECMAScript 6 model.
const singleProduct = {
productName: "Mango",
productPrice: 100,
productQuantity: 10,
};for (let element in singleProduct) {
console.log(element); // output id productName, productPrice, productQuantity;
console.log(singleProduct[element]); // output is Mango, 100 , 10;
For in Loop:
- For in Loop using for Object.
- It is the new features in ECMAScript 6 model.
11| Rest Operator:
const arr1 = ["I", "Love", "Programming"];
const [index1, ...restArray] = arr1;
console.log(index1, restArray); //output is ["I" ["Love", "Programming"]];
- It is the rest operator that looks to spread the operator. But work differently.
- It changes the array, takes a first value (Ex. index1), second value is (Ex. …restArray).
- If you want another separate like as index1 you can take a separate value.
- Then it shows other value in the …restArray.